Independent Candidate for State Representative - 9th Middlesex
Get Involved Today!
It takes tremendous community support to achieve political goals, and volunteers are at the very heart of our mission. If you want post a lawn sign, send "Dear Friend" cards, or hold a sign out on election day November 3rd, please contact us at 781-266-8888 or fill out the form.
You can also make a monetary contribution. You can write a check to the "George Darcy Committee" and mail it to 93 Hobbs Road, Waltham MA 02452. Alternatively, you may also donate online via PayPal by clicking the "Donate Now" link. Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated. Note that I respectfully do not accept donations from Political Action Committees (PACs).
Some of you may wonder if I am affiliated with a particular party. For this election I am running as Unenrolled (i.e. independent of any party). The Waltham City Council operates on a non-partisan basis. I credit my success in what I have done to the coalitions I have built without party concerns, by remaining focused on my constituents. I will do the same as your representative.